Using the UC Riverside Foundation Scholarships Site
This site is a complete database of all scholarships, fellowships, internships, prizes, awards and loan funds offered through the UC Riverside Foundation.
Finding a Scholarship, Fellowship or Award
There are two ways to search for available scholarships:
General Search
First select the type of student you are by clicking on the appropriate box: "Prospective/Incoming/Transfer Students", "Current Undergraduate Students", or "Current Graduate Student".
You will then be taken to a page that lists all of the available scholarships for that type of student, organized by college or unit. If you wish to view the list sorted by academic or administrative department, you may click on the "View by Department" tab. You may return to the original view by selecting the "View by College/Unit" tab.
Search by Name
If you know the name of the scholarship, fellowship or award that you are looking for, please enter the name into the search box labeled ">Enter the scholarship/fellowship name you are looking for:" and press the search button. You will be taken to a page that lists the funds that meet your search criteria.
Applying for a Scholarship, Fellowship or Award
Each scholarship description contains information on selection criteria and guidelines, application information, the history and purpose of the scholarship and the department where it resides.
If a scholarship has an application requirement, you may be asked to link to specific application sites or to an online application form by clicking "Request Scholarship Information".
Please completely fill out the form and press the "Submit" button. You should then receive a confirmation e-mail indicating that your form has been successfully submitted to the individual responsible for overseeing the application process for that scholarship. Please note that this is not a scholarship application but rather a request for information. The application contact will send you information on how to apply.
You should receive a response within three weeks. If you do not receive a response within that time, please e-mail or call the individual responsible for the application process using the information provided in the confirmation e-mail.
Some funds will not have a link for information as some funds do not allow students to apply. Students are chosen from the department based on criteria listed in the fund description's selection and guidelines sections.
Types of Aid
There are several types of scholarships, fellowships, prizes and awards funds offered through this site. They include:
- Scholarships
- Fellowships
- Internships
- Prizes
- Awards
- Loan funds
Some funds will have a link to request more information on the fund. Other funds will state that there is no application process for students. In these cases, all students are considered in specific departments based on the selection and criteria of the fund.